Sunday, January 31, 2010

Arsenal 1-3 Man Utd

I fucking hate Arsenal! Yes I do.

God, this was depressing. The only thing wrong with Arsenal it seems is hoping this team will win anything.

David Pleat has technical analysis. Can't be bothered. I just want to blame someone.
I knew were going to lose, even before we conceded te first goal. By Arsenal standards we were dire:
  • Passes went frequently astray, Denilson was awful,
  • Almunia must go (and I have been a supporter of Almunia, but I've had enough),
  • Arshavin was taking shots when he should have been passing. He needs to fucking pass the ball to well positioned team mates. I've always thought Arshavin and the rest of the team are on different passing wavelengths: he too often cannot find a team mate and they can't find him either for some reason -- don't know who's to blame though.We missed Eduardo actually, he has been much better at link up play and bringing Fabregas into the box.
  • I fucking hate Nasri. Last season, I sad he blew hot and cold. Now I  just hate him. He hasn't delivered any of the promise, but that's not why I hate him. I hate him because he doesn't play with any desire. Well he doesn't do it consistentlyand he transistions really badly (read: he is lazy) when we lose the ball; and he took the ball away from Fabregas in a scoring position. I hate Nasri. Gallas was righ about him
  • Song worked really hard as usual, but I thought he had heavy legs
  • Fabregas was well marshalled, and his shooting boots were left at home.
  • Bringing on Bendtner (I like him) helped. Best get him fully fit pronto.
  • Oh, and Clichy ---wtf has happened to him? 
  • But Wenger should have known, Pep Guardiola back in May called ManU a counter-attacking team, whch they are and a very good one. They counter-attacked us to smithereens in the CL semi-final last year, they did it again today, and we had no answer. YOU CAN"T TRANSISTION AS BADLY AS WE DID AGAINST A COUNTER-ATTACKING TEAM LIKE THIS. AND LIKEWISE YOU CAN"T HAVE CENTERBACKS BOMBING FORWARD LEAVING YOU VULNERABLE AT THE BACK. I HATE ARSENAL.
Last thing, Wenger's Invincibles  were a lethal counter-attacking team. Not this Arsenal side. They really aren't any good at it really. In part it's because we don't have any speedsters or speedsters who pose a scoring threat. Walcott has been slow in maturing or derailed by injuries --yes, I said I was looking to lay blame today. How many times have I seen Almunia looking to launch a counterattack and finding no outlet? These days, when they do occur, our counterattacks are launched using Fabregas who is then joined by Arshavin -- not exactly speedsters even though I think both have worked on their pace.

Thoroughly depressing.  Wenger's got some contemplatng to do.

I also watched the Lyon v PSG game. Very entertaining match.  Lyon eventually won 2-1. But they scored only after PSG were reduced to 10 men.

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